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WaitList Zero has made rapid progress in becoming a leader in the kidney transplant community

Coalition to Promote Living Kidney DonationAchieving change means working together. Since our founding in January 2015, WaitList Zero has made rapid progress to assemble a broad coalition of more than a dozen groups in favor of increasing living donation. In addition, Waitlist Zero is establishing partnerships with transplant centers and has consulted experts throughout the transplant, bioethics, political advocacy, and community organizing fields. We expect the coalition of groups working to end the shortage to grow together with us in the months and years ahead.

Read more about the Coalition’s principles and policies and the HRSA Campaign here.

Members of The Coalition to Promote Living Donation

Alliance for Paired Donation
American Transplant Foundation
Bay Area Association of Kidney Patients
Dialysis Advocates
Donate Life Northwest
John Brockington Foundation
Living Kidney Donors Network
Northeast Kidney Foundation
PKD Foundation
The Living Bank
Transplant First
Transplant Support Organization